Hi everyone. No I didn't drop off the face of the earth even though it may seem so. I took the enamel class from JC Herrell and was so in love with enamels afterward I wanted to incorporate them into my designs. Practice, practice, practice until I could finally come up with something I am proud of. The colors are SO bright. Much brighter than the COE 104 Effetre etc. and handle differently as well. Although the base bead is made of Effetre white the enamel powder is shaken with a sifter onto the bead and put back into the flame to melt. The effects are faded colors on colors, which I like. Enamels are powdered glass and there are so many ways to work with them. Up until now I've only worked with rods of glass. I hope you like these as much as I enjoyed making them. They will be in my Etsy Shop shortly.
It's good to be back online sharing my beads. My beads are selling well and I'm developing many friends in the buying, selling and creative world. I'm blessed.
Adorable bracelet - colours are magnificent!